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About The Foli Chiropractic Office in Fallbrook, CA

Dr. Foli offers over 30 years of Chiropractic experience in Fallbrook, California.

"As a chiropractor, I believe that God is our Healer and that he works through us with the gifts He gives us- my gift is to correct what we call vertebral subluxations. A vertebral subluxation describes when a spinal bone loses its normal position from trauma, stress or chemical imbalances. Subluxations can cause pain with restricted motion, but can also put pressure on nerves that can cause pain to other parts of your body, like your arms and legs- as well as causing dysfunction of your internal organs."

Dr. Michael Foli

Foli Chiropractic | Fallbrook, CA

Dr. Foli graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic (Davenport, Iowa) in 1985. He has served the Fallbrook area since 1988.

Have you experienced pain from occurrences such as automobile collisions, improper lifting, repetitive motion, chemical imbalances or long periods of sitting and/or inactivity? Have you been told you have to live with your pain? Please schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Foli today.

You don't have to live with unnecessary pain

Find out how chiropractic care can make your life enjoyable again.

Schedule a visit with Dr. Foli to get chiropractic treatment now.

You Shouldn't live with unnecessary pains, aches and struggles

Find out how chiropractic care can make your life enjoyable again.

Schedule a visit with Dr. Foli to get chiropractic treatment now.